Ki-por Travels, established in the year 2015, is a travel agency based in a North-Eastern State, Meghalaya, popularly known as “The Scotland of the East” and “Undiscovered Paradise”. We are specialized in organizing customized tour packages in India with particular focus on the North-Eastern States. Our services are also extended to some of the notable tourist destinations around the globe including South East Asia, Middle East, Far East and neighboring countries.

A little more about us

Ki-por Travels aim to provide travel related services to our diverse clientele with custom-made packages in accordance with their needs and comfort, thus, giving them the best experience and fulfilment.
Based in the heart of Meghalaya – Shillong, its capital, Ki-por Travels provide the opportunity to its tourists to live a short but unique lifestyle amidst the locals, one which will be engraved in their memories—getting accustomed to their rich and diverse culture, exploring and appreciating the natural beauties that the place offers, and most importantly, learning about the indigenous tribe.
Ki-por Travels is a name en-crafted from our very own local language “Khasi” which implies “Time”. Thus, it simply refers to the expression ‘it’s time to travel!’. Come enjoy and explore with Ki-por Travels and capture memories..

"Travel far, travel wide, and let the world be your guide."